Trainerroad sweet spot base
Trainerroad sweet spot base

You can start with 2 x 15 minutes at sweet spot, with half of the interval time as rest (so 7.5 minutes for this example), and slowly move up, with the goal of getting to 45 minute intervals and beyond, with only 5 minutes of recovery between this longer sessions (for the more advanced riders).

trainerroad sweet spot base

While you want to start off small, make sure you elongate the sweet spot intervals for longer periods of time, beyond the 20 minute time range that many cyclists use for intervals. Shout out to Frank! I used to be a FasCat athlete when I first started (you’ve probably heard me give MASSIVE KUDOS to my old coach Jason Hilimire.) This is taken from the man himself who reated Sweet Spot Cycling, Frank Overton from FasCat. Let’s define the sweet spot zone in cycling: 84-97% of your Functional Threshold Power (FTP). Last thing to mention: sweet spot does burn a lot of calories, so make sure you check out our Nutrition Posts….short take away: eat carbs!!

trainerroad sweet spot base

In your training cycle, make sure that you ask yourself: how is this training applicable to my racing, or whatever training goals that you may have, if winning races isn’t your priority. We’re Doing Too Many Sweet Spot IntervalsĮven though there is no replacement for the long ride when it comes to aerobic fitness, you can use sweet spot training to build your aerobic fitness and begin the process of pushing out your FTP ceiling.īut let’s call it what it is: high tempo, low threshold.

trainerroad sweet spot base


Let’s look at how to use sweet spot cycling to help you be more productive with your cycling training on the bike, and win some races and drop some friends.

Trainerroad sweet spot base